Collector's Guide for Indentifying Common
American Military Gas Masks
This book provides in depth information and a reference guide for identifying 53 common American military gas masks and it also includes information about another 43 uncommon military, special purpose and civilian American gas masks.
260 Pages; 650 Photos; ISBN 978-1-365-28339-0 Order books directly from printer
Book Price $39.50
GAS MASK INDEX - MI Diaphragm Mask to WWI Training Mask
Gas Mask Index - M1 Service Mask to M3A1 Lightweight Service Mask
Gas Mask Index - M4 Lightweight Service Mask to M17A2 Field Mask
Gas Mask Index - M18 Head Wound Mask to M53 Protective Mask
MI Army Diaphragm Gas Mask
MIA1 Army Diaphragm Gas Mask
MII Army Diaphragm Gas Mask*
Mark I Navy Diaphragm Gas Mask*
Mark I Navy Diaphragm Optical Mask (NDO Mark I Optical Mask)
Mark II Navy Diaphragm Mask (ND Mark II Mask)
Mark III Navy Diaphragm Mask* (ND Mark III Mask)
Mark IV Navy Diaphragm Mask* (ND Mark IV Mask)
Mark V Navy Diaphragm Mask* (ND Mark V Mask)
MCU-2/P Protective Mask
MCU-2A/P Protective Mask*
Akron Tissot Mask – WWI
American Box Respirator – WWI
Bunny Gas Mask (Civilian Child Gas Mask)
Corrected English Mask – WWI*
Dog Gas Mask WWI
Experimental Dog Masks E12R4, E3R3, E3R4, E5R1 & E6R2
Kops Tissot Mask – WWI
Mickey Mouse Gas Mask (Civilian Child Gas Mask)
Pigeon Gas Protection
Richardson-Flory-Kops Mask - WWI*
Training Gas Mask – WWI*
*Fully illustrated common American military gas masks in book.